Component Design
You have the machining task - we will find the optimum solution!
You are facing a new machining task or would like to consider existing processes new to optimize them?
Our machining specialists accept this challenge.
On the one hand we offer the possibility of a complete layout of your components (incl. time study and complete CAM-system programming). However, we also consider individual process steps which are causing you problems and show you optimization potentials to increase your productivity.
Just send us the necessary information for your machining task and we work out a suitable solution for you.
In order to observe your component in detail, we need the following data from you:
- component drawings ready for production
- 3D-volume models in common formats (e.g. Step)
- possible problem descriptions (photos etc.)
Moreover, we ask you to fill in the download form below as complete as possible and to send it to us together with your data.
After reviewing your request a staff member of our TechCenter will contact you directly to clarify open questions or to coordinate the details with you. As soon as we have processed your request you will receive processing suggestions from us. However, we are also prepared to introduce our solution directly in your company or we invite you for live machining of your component in our TechCenter and to show you the complete process.
We will certainly handle your data confidentially and will not reveal them to third parties. However, you are free to send us a non-disclosure agreement before sending us your data. We will sign it and promptly return it to you.
Please send your request and/or agreement to:
Inquiry form
Please download the form here to send us your personal request.